• MidpSSH


    MidpSSH is an SSH and Telnet client for MIDP 1.0 / 2.0 (J2ME) devices such as Java(tm)-capable cellphones and other mobile devices. MidpSSH is developed by Karl von Randow www.xk72.com and released under the GPL.

    MidpSSH is based upon Floyd SSH and Telnet Floyd by Radek Polak http://activationrecord.net/radekp/telnet/, who ported the Java (tm) Telnet/SSH Applet to the MIDP platform. MidpSSH adds a GUI and a number of other features to Floyd SSH, see the Features section below.

    Java(tm) Telnet/SSH Applet is by Matthias L. Jugel, Marcus Meissner javassh.org. It implements SSH1, Telnet and VT320 terminal emulation in Java.

    Floyd SSH and Telnet Floyd (and hence MidpSSH) also includes sources from the GNU Classpath project.

    MidpSSH 1.2+ includes cryptographic algorithms from The Legion of the Bouncy Castle, modified by Karl von Randow for MIDP. And implementation detail of SSH2 key exchange adapted from Java Secure Channel.

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