• Andorid PDF Viewer

    Andorid PDF Viewer是ANDROID手机平台上的一个PDF文件阅读器。


    Andorid PDF Viewer is a viewer for PDF-Files which runs on ANDROID mobiles.

    How to install:

    The apk file can be installed on your android phone using package installer. There are a lot of different ways how to do this, I do it the following way:
    1.) Install the "Apps Installer" from the market.
    2.) Allow unknown-sources (non-market) in the application settings.
    3.) Copy the AndroidPdfViewer.apk file into your sdcard (e.g. to the /sdcard/download folder)
    4.) Start "Apps Installer"
    4.a) scroll to the entry "AndroidPdfViewer" and follow the dialog

    Quick Guide:

    1. Start the Application
    2. Enter a path to a (very small) PDF file (like example.pdf)
    3. Click “Show”
    4. The first page appears after SOME time
    5. Move the canvas by dragging with your finger

    This is a very first start and I am happy to see anything!

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