C.3. LOCK_GULM, SLM Embedded

This example sets up a cluster with three nodes and two GFS file systems. It requires three nodes for the GFS cluster. One of the nodes in the cluster runs the LOCK_GULM server in addition to mounting the GFS file system.

This section provides the following information about the example:

C.3.1. Key Characteristics

This example configuration has the following key characteristics:

Host NameIP AddressLogin NamePassword

Table C-8. APC MasterSwitch Information

Host NameIP AddressAPC Port Number

Table C-9. GFS and Lock Server Node Information


Table C-10. Storage Device Information


For shared storage devices to be visible to the nodes, it may be necessary to load an appropriate device driver. If the shared storage devices are not visible on each node, confirm that the device driver is loaded and that it loaded without errors.

The small partition (/dev/sda1) is used to store the cluster configuration information. The two remaining partitions (/dev/sda2, sdb1) are used for the GFS file systems.

You can display the storage device information at each node in your GFS cluster by running the following command: cat /proc/partitions. Depending on the hardware configuration of the GFS nodes, the names of the devices may be different on each node. If the output of the cat /proc/partitions command shows only entire disk devices (for example, /dev/sda instead of /dev/sda1), then the storage devices have not been partitioned. If you need to partition a device, use the fdisk command.

C.3.2. Kernel Modules Loaded

Each node must have the following kernel modules loaded:

C.3.3. Setup Process

The setup process for this example consists of the following steps:

  1. Create pool configurations for the two file systems.

    Create pool configuration files for each file system's pool: pool_gfs01 for the first file system, and pool_gfs02 for the second file system. The two files should look like the following:

    poolname pool_gfs01
    subpools 1 
    subpool 0 0 1 
    pooldevice 0 0 /dev/sda2
    poolname pool_gfs02
    subpools 1 
    subpool 0 0 1 
    pooldevice 0 0 /dev/sdb1
  2. Create a pool configuration for the CCS data.

    Create a pool configuration file for the pool that will be used for CCS data. The pool does not need to be very large. The name of the pool will be alpha_cca. (The name of the cluster, alpha, followed by _cca). The file should look like the following:

    poolname alpha_cca 
    subpools 1 
    subpool 0 0 1 
    pooldevice 0 0 /dev/sda1
  3. Use the pool_tool command to create all the pools as follows:

    n01# pool_tool -c pool_gfs01.cf pool_gfs02.cf alpha_cca.cf
    Pool label written successfully from pool_gfs01.cf
    Pool label written successfully from pool_gfs02.cf
    Pool label written successfully from alpha_cca.cf
  4. Activate the pools on all nodes.


    This step must be performed every time a node is rebooted. If it is not, the pool devices will not be accessible.

    Activate the pools using the pool_assemble -a command for each node as follows:

    n01# pool_assemble -a  <-- Activate pools
    alpha_cca assembled 
    pool_gfs01 assembled 
    pool_gfs02 assembled
    n02# pool_assemble -a  <-- Activate pools
    alpha_cca assembled 
    pool_gfs01 assembled 
    pool_gfs02 assembled
    n03# pool_assemble -a  <-- Activate pools
    alpha_cca assembled
    pool_gfs01 assembled 
    pool_gfs02 assembled
  5. Create CCS files.

    1. Create a directory called /root/alpha on node n01 as follows:

      n01# mkdir /root/alpha
      n01# cd /root/alpha
    2. Create the cluster.ccs file. This file contains the name of the cluster and the name of the nodes where the LOCK_GULM server is run. The file should look like the following:

      cluster { 
         name = "alpha" 
         lock_gulm { 
            servers = ["n01"]             ] 
    3. Create the nodes.ccs file. This file contains the name of each node, its IP address, and node-specific I/O fencing parameters. The file should look like the following:

      nodes { 
         n01 { 
            ip_interfaces { 
               eth0 = ""
            fence { 
               power { 
                  apc { 
                  port = 1 
         n02 { 
            ip_interfaces { 
               eth0 = ""
            fence { 
               power { 
                  apc { 
                  port = 2
         n03 {
            ip_interfaces {
               eth0 = ""
            fence { 
               power { 
                  apc { 
                  port = 3 
    4. Create the fence.ccs file. This file contains information required for the fencing method(s) used by the GFS cluster. The file should look like the following:

      fence_devices { 
         apc { 
            agent = "fence_apc" 
            ipaddr = "" 
            login = "apc" 
            passwd = "apc" 
  6. Create the CCS Archive on the CCA Device.


    This step only needs to be done once and from a single node. It should not be performed every time the cluster is restarted.

    Use the ccs_tool command to create the archive from the CCS configuration files:

    n01# ccs_tool create /root/alpha /dev/pool/alpha_cca
    Initializing device for first time use... done.
  7. Start the CCS daemon (ccsd) on all the nodes.


    This step must be performed each time the cluster is rebooted.

    The CCA device must be specified when starting ccsd.

    n01# ccsd -d /dev/pool/alpha_cca
    n02# ccsd -d /dev/pool/alpha_cca
    n03# ccsd -d /dev/pool/alpha_cca
  8. Start the LOCK_GULM server on each node. For example:

    n01# lock_gulmd
  9. Create the GFS file systems.

    Create the first file system on pool_gfs01 and the second on pool_gfs02. The names of the two file systems are gfs01 and gfs02, respectively, as shown in the example:

    n01# gfs_mkfs -p lock_gulm -t alpha:gfs01 -j 3 /dev/pool/pool_gfs01 
    Device: /dev/pool/pool_gfs01 
    Blocksize: 4096 
    Filesystem Size:1963216 
    Journals: 3 
    Resource Groups:30 
    Locking Protocol:lock_gulm 
    Lock Table: alpha:gfs01 
    All Done
    n01# gfs_mkfs -p lock_gulm -t alpha:gfs02 -j 3 /dev/pool/pool_gfs02 
    Device: /dev/pool/pool_gfs02 
    Blocksize: 4096 
    Filesystem Size:1963416 
    Journals: 3 
    Resource Groups:30 
    Locking Protocol:lock_gulm 
    Lock Table: alpha:gfs02
    All Done
  10. Mount the GFS file systems on all the nodes.

    Mount points /gfs01 and /gfs02 are used on each node:

    n01# mount -t gfs /dev/pool/pool_gfs01 /gfs01 
    n01# mount -t gfs /dev/pool/pool_gfs02 /gfs02
    n02# mount -t gfs /dev/pool/pool_gfs01 /gfs01
    n02# mount -t gfs /dev/pool/pool_gfs02 /gfs02
    n03# mount -t gfs /dev/pool/pool_gfs01 /gfs01
    n03# mount -t gfs /dev/pool/pool_gfs02 /gfs02