
    What is behind this name ?

    As detailed on the header, the sofware name "LANSLIM" is an acronym for "Local Area Network ServerLess Instant Messaging ". This acronym has two goals :

    1. It summarise the main functionality of the software
    2. It was unknown by most of the Internet search engines

    Indeed, I decided to develop this small software because we were not allowed to use popular Chat solution at work. Communication between team members were by the fact limited to the phone calls. This solution occured some stress inside the office moreover when office is big and I don't talk about group's chat what requires meeting room not to disturb other room mates.
    The occasion was then found for me to practice Swing with a practical application and public.
    The technical requirements were simple :

    1. No broadcast or multicast network layer
    2. No server
    3. Minimal traffic on network
    4. Try to match the ergonomy of popular solution

    The network layer is then based on UDP unicast communications between each users (P2P).

    The absence of server ease the deployement since every one is independant and it guarantees the absence of superuser that could abuse of communication logs.
    So be careful that your network devices and configuration are safe and spyless (logless).

    1. Simple or group chat
    2. Invittaion/Exclusion facility
    3. Parralel chats in a multi-tab frame
    4. Formatted text and smileys
    5. Hyperlink listener
    6. Profile adapted to local area network moves
    7. Contact Import/Export facility
    8. Cut/Paste support

    The network requirements and limitations are then simple, each user must

    1. be able to open a local UDP port for listening messages
    2. be uniquely identified by his host Address
    3. have Java runtime installed (Version >= 1.4)
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