J2ME Polish
J2ME Polish是用于开发J2ME应用的工具集:
从一份源代码中为多种设备和多种语言创建应用的建造工具(build tools)。一个设备数据库,您的应用可以用它通过预处理为不同的手机进行调整.
一套用户界面(GUI), 可以在应用程序代码之外进行设计。
工具类(Utiliy classes),如BitMapFont 和ArrayList。
J2ME Polish is a suite of tools and technologies aimed at mobile developers and companies within the mobile space.
Main features of J2ME Polish include:
- Lush: A UI toolkit that is highly flexible and that can be designed outside of the application's source code.
- Janus: A toolset for porting mobile application to different handsets and different technology platforms.
- Touch: Technology for accessing server side content and communicating with remote parties.
- Trunk: A persistence solution that allows you to load and save conplex data with a single line of code.
- Marjory: Our community maintained device database.