- 支持大部分数据库包括:DB2、oracle、mysql、MS SQL Server、Derby、HSQL、Informix、Sybase、PostgresSQL等。
- 为用户提供友好和漂亮UI,其整体框架由视图组成类似于Eclipse。支持直接修改SQL查询结果。
- 支持将表格数据导出成文本文件,EXCEL和HTML。
- 拥有一个支持SQL语法着色显示,智能提示,文本编辑和查找的SQL编辑器。
- 能够展示数据库大部分元数据包括:版本,数据类型、函数,连接信息等。
- 支持导出数据对象信息包括对象数据(INSERT SQL语句),生成创建/删除脚本(create script/drop script)。
- 所有SQL脚本都可以以批量的模式执行。
- 支持i18n,当前提供两种语言(中文和英文)。
- 提供收藏功能,管理由用户收集的文本信息。

CoolSQL is a cool tool used to view and manage database. It provides a nice user interface which makes a wonderful experience to user. CoolSQL inclineds to view and analyze data in the database, provides abundant functions including querying, modifying, exporting, supporting sqlscript and analyzing data. Convenience and maneuverability are the most advantages of CoolSQL. CoolSQL is written in java, thus it should run on any operating system that provides a Java Runtime (1.5 or above).
- Almost Support all popular databases such as DB2, oracle, mysql, MS SQL Server, Derby, HSQL, Informix, Sybase, PostgresSQL
- Provide a friendly and nice UI for user. The whole frame consist of views which are similar to eclipse view
- Display the result data from SQL queries , and The result data can be edited conveniently.
- Provide special frame for adding new data into table or other entity in the database by organizing data visually.
- Reformatting of SQL Statements
- Support exporting table data to text file, EXCEL, and HTML
- Display the structure of database in bookmark view explicitly, and privde many menu command on different object node.
- Powerful SQL editor which provide syntax highlighting, smart prompting, text editing and finding.
- Display the most metadata of database including version, datatype, functions, connection profile and so on
- Support the export of entity information including entity data(INSERT SQL command), create script, drop script.
- All SQL script can be run in a batch mode!
- Search for data across all database including column, table/view and other table type.
- Provide some nice Look & Feels
- Support i18n, and provide two languages (chinese and english) currently.
- Useful Favorite which manages text information collected by user.
- Support plugin, add some special functions into CoolSQL as plugin easily.
- CoolSQL is free.