Damn Small Rich Text Editor:基于jQuery开发,压缩之后只有18k左右的Rich Text Editor。提供所有基本的Rich Text功能,调整文本区域大小,使用AjaxFileUpload插件上传图片,清除HTML标签,标记文本修改,支持多种浏览器(FF1.5+、IE7、IE6)。此外还支持通过插件来扩展文本处理功能。
iPhone, iPad, Android support! Can scroll vertical or horizontal Supports scrolling by wheel, thumb, or track It has a update function so it can handle content changes. Size of the scrollbar and thumb can be set to auto or a fixed number Easy customizable Supports anchors Lightweight its only 100 lines of code. mimified the size is 2,29 kb