Internet Media Manager
Internet Media Manager是一个基于Web的数据库应用程序,能够让网站管理员集中的存储图片与视频并将它们发布到网站上。它提供一个类似于Youtube的界面,能够让用户通过简单地复制和粘贴代码片断来将图片或视频嵌到他们自己的网页。Internet Media Manager提供的功能包括:通过上传一个ZIP文件一次性导入多张图片与多个视频。支持通过FTP/SSH导入Large文件。调整图片与视频大小。支持FLV视频。支持通过内容类型,分类,关键字搜索媒体文件。集成Amazon Simple Storage(S3)服务等。

The Internet Media Manager is a web-based database application that allows webmasters to centrally store their images and videos to be served on their website(s). It provides a Youtube-like interface whereby users can simply copy and paste code snippets to embed images and videos into their web pages. It also provides a photo gallery component that allows users to easily embed a gallery of images into their web pages by simply copying and pasting a snippet of javascript code.
I created this application because:
- I didn't want to have to resize images in Photoshop anymore before uploading them to the web.
- I wanted to be able to embed videos, images, and photo galleries into my web pages without having to muck around with HTML code.
IMM (Internet Media Manager) allows you to resize your photos to any size you want, and embed these resized images in your web pages by copying and pasting a snippet of HTML. Similarly it makes embedding videos and photo galleries into your website a snap.
- Add/Edit/Delete/Categorize images and videos in a searchable database.
- Import multiple images or videos at once by uploading a ZIP file.
- Large file imports via FTP/SSH.
- Embed video and images directly into other web pages by copying and pasting HTML snippets (like Youtube).
- Resize images and videos.
- FLV video support (like Youtube).
- Search media by content type, category, keyword, etc..
- Includes javascript photo gallery component that can be embedded into any web page.
- Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) integration.
- Download the latest version from Sourceforge.
- Extract the files and copy to your web server.
- Point your web browser to the install.php and follow the instructions.