
phpScheduleIt is an Open Source web-based reservation and scheduling system, allowing users to register and then place reservations on any kind of resources, such as conference rooms, machines, computers, etc. The administrative side allows complete control over user permissions, resource data, reservation data, and is has many configurable settings.
General Info and Setup
- OS and database independent. It will work on any system that supports PHP and any of the PEAR::DB supported databases.
- Supports multiple languages. Distributed with this package: English (US & GB), German, French, Spanish, Italian, Hungarian, Dutch, Finnish, Swedish and Turkish.
- Setup and update scripts are included to make installation painless.
- User database can be self-contained or authenticated through LDAP.
- The included help file guides users through all possible tasks.
- The included README describes all features and how to properly manage the system.
Administrative Features
- Multiple schedules are supported with unique resources.
- Blackout times are easy to add and manage to restrict reservations.
- User permissions allow the administrator to decide on what resources users can place reservations. This feature can be turned on or off from the configuration file.
- Reservation minimum and maximum time limits can be set on a per-resource basis.
- Administrator has power to add and manage an unlimited number of resources. All which can be toggled active and inactive at any point.
- Administrator has control over all reservations and can browse, modify and delete any reservation in the system.
- Resources can be set to require administrator approval for all reservations using the resource.
- Mass email feature allows the administrator to send out a system-wide email to notify users of resource downtime or other important information.
- Administrators can search through the reservation database with a very flexible search tool. Search results can be viewed as HTML, plain-text, XML or CSV.
- Database data can be dumped to the screen in XML or CSV format.
- Administrators can view a bar graph showing reservation statistics.
- Complete logging feature logs all activity through the system.
User Features
- Users can manage how and when they receive email notifications about their reservation activity.
- Recurring reservations and reservation summaries are completely supported.
- Support for multi-day reservations.
- Users can invite and manage reservation participants.
- Calendars can be viewed for the user, resource, or schedule in a day/week/month layout.
- A printer-formatted signup sheet can be printed for any resource.
- Schedule is GUI based with easy to identify reservations.
Configuration Options
- Time format, database server, email program and much more can be set in the config file.
- The code is object-based and there is a strong attempt to maintain complete separation of business logic and presentation. This makes it easy to change the look and feel or functionality of the system. The provided phpDocumentor-generated documentation is complete and easy to follow for any PHP programmer.