Groogle是一个基于Web的代码审查工具。提供的功能包括:集成Subversion。支持对各种源代码高亮显示。比较整个Repository Tree来查询增加,修改和删除的文件和目录。图形化展示所有修改情况。当审查状态改变时,能够通过E-mail通知审查参与者。

Groogle is a web based peer code review tool providing a range of features aimed at easing the code review process.
Features include:
- Subversion integration, working against live repositories.
- Syntax highlighting for a wide variety of languages.
- Comparisons of entire repository trees to find added, removed and modified files and directories.
- Diffing of individual files and a graphical representation of modifications.
- E-mail notifications to notify review participants when a reviews status changes.
- Optional integration against a wide range of existing authentication mechanisms.
Groogle is released in both RPM and tarball format and can be easily deployed on any Linux system.