Dolphin是一个最受欢迎的社交网络构建系统,基于PHP+MySQL开发。 提供的功能包括:100% AJAX论坛,照片共享,视频聊天,视频共享/播放,音乐共享,Blogs,投票,群组,收发邮件,交友,自定义主题,桌面客户端等。

General Features
- 100% open source
- Blog (photo upload, user can create different categories, permissions, comments)
- The ability to sort member menu and groups on member menu
- The ability to approve "x" number of profiles simultaneously
- A/V files recording and sharing
- Cash profile info
- Convert any kind of video format
- RSS feeds support. Subscribe to or live-bookmark forums
- Fully separated front-end and backend (using XSL transformation)
- Smiles Pack
- "Sticky" topics
- Multiple languages support
- Default integration of Ray Community Widget Suite
- Default integration of Orca Interactive Forum Script
- Registration Security Images
- On-the-fly photos auto-scaling
- Profile of the month, profile of the week and profile of the day
- "Links", "FAQ", "About us", "Contact us", "Privacy", "Terms of use", "Services" pages
- Affiliate system with commissions tracking routine and security tools
- Quick search
- Advanced search
- Sorting and search narrowing
- ZIP codes search options
- Matchmaking (auto search based on user-specified criteria)
- Cupid mail (matchmaking results auto-sending)
- Search for online members, searching members, communicating (in IM) members
- Integrated with PayPal by default
- Supports recurring billing from PayPal
- Can be integrated with any other payment processing company (PaySystems, Authorize.Net, iBill, 2checkout, etc.)
- 100% automated billing system. Script automatically sends purchased information after payment is processed and performs multi-level anti-fraud checks
- Several payment providers could work simultaneously
- Page and Profile Builders
- Site layout - from 1 to 4 columns
- Tabs and multiple rooms in Video Chat
- 1-to-1 private rooms in Video Chat
- Floating video panes in Video Chat and Video Messenger
- Full-screen video in Video Chat, Video Messenger and Video Player
- Flexible layout for Shoutbox, Video Player and Music Player
- Ray Media Server for high performance and functionality
- Online members or friends tracking
- View user's profile via Presence
- Private communications using text, audio and video simultaneously
- Customizable sounds in IM for incoming messages, user login/logout, video/audio files start/stop viewing
- Optimized audio/video streaming control
- Help pages
- Seamless connection to user's cameras and mics
- Direct file uploading to a member's profile
- Whiteboard. Great way to present concepts. Intuitive interface for ease of use
User Part Features
- Customizable profile view
- Browse profiles with narrowing ability
- On-the-fly selection of country flags
- E-mail confirmation routine
- Checking e-mails to be unique
- Members registration form - 2 steps by default
- Smart shopping cart with history
- Invite / tell a friend
- New members (auto-displaying of photos of latest registered users on the main page)
- "Online/Offline" user status
- Merchant account integration
- Personal Media Gallery (audio, video and pictures)
- Shared Media Gallery (audio, video and pictures)
- Personal Blog
- Friends List
- Guestbook
- Friends Only and Registered Only permissions for GuestBook comments
- Gmail Like Mailbox Conversations Archive
- Events
- Classifieds
- "Random Quotes" system
- One-click lists with online users
- Top-rated profiles lookup
- Zodiac signs lookup in profiles and search results
- Newsletter
- "Last logged-in" information
- Essay (extended "About me" section)
- Profile ratings
- Number of profile views with the ability to list members who viewed the profile
- Automatic member gender prompt for profiles search
- Dating polls
- Automatic photos upload system
- Search results can be presented in the form of a photo gallery
- Optional displaying of additional photos only to gold or purchased members
- Photos rating (similar to
- Personal Weblog commenting
- Double-blind virtual greetings
- Double-blind messaging
- Messenger with storing system
- Advanced control panel for members (profile status and all-contacts information)
- Media (video and audio support for profiles)
- Configurable Flash-based online live-chat system
- HotList (buddies, favorites)
- Block members (members can block all correspondence from certain members)
- Ability to choose event, order ticket and provide matches IDs
- Ability to post own article
- MD5 encrypted member's password
- User friendly links (ModRewrite function)
- Ability to create Couples profiles
- Kick-ass live voting (think Digg)
- One-click post report
- WYSIWYG text formatting
- Drag'n'Drop-able emoticons and external photos
- Topics Flagging
- 'My Topics' watching
- Mega-cool Live Tracker
- Live post tracker - "Forum Spy"
- Posts, topics, forums and forum groups just like your mom cooked
- If only your mom cooked expandable AJAX-powered forum folders
- Read/unread labels
- Topic pagination
- Navigation breadcrumbs (as if everyone knows what it means)
- Times, stats, and dates here and there
- "Reply with quote" option in forums
- Optimized A/V controls
- Skin and language switcher
- A/V monitoring
- Audio/video conferencing with a multi-media headset
- Room history
- Dropdown Video Console
- Video, Audio, Fonts, Skins and Smilesets settings
- Unlimited video streaming
- Typing Box (text formatting, animated emoticons)
- Rooms list with the members info (photo, nickname, sex, age, user's type) in any room
- Users can track who's viewing their video streaming in Chat
- Custom Sound Alerts
- Video streaming in a Separate Window (full screen mode)
- View Video instead of Photo of the profiles when user's cams are on
- Invite to 1-to-1 Private chat
- Send a "whisper" message to a particular user
- Chat in several rooms simultaneously
- Create password protected rooms
- Set up a status message
- Listen to and upload music files
- Edit Title, Tags, and Description of music files
- The Play List Editor (upload and remove music files, change playlist playback order, add files from admin music to the user's playlist)
- Track Control Buttons (Play/Pause, Back, Forward)
- View title, mode, playback progress line, and volume of the playing track
- "Invitation Denied" notification message in IM
- Presence status indicators
- IM dialog history
- Send any file to each other using IM
- A custom snapshot for thumbnail of the video
- Set up recorded video as a screenshot
- Download the recorded video file
- Define number of users who can join and edit the board
- Newly joined users will receive the board picture gradually, step by step
- Left/right arrows to move backward or forward through changes or clear the whole board
- Use shapes, lines and colors in board
Administration Panel Features
- User-friendly, convenient online administration system
- Site pages builder
- Fields builder
- Navigation menu builder
- Moderators Accounts to approve and edit profiles
- News module with admin tab
- Automatic success stories posting with "latest story" feature
- Graduated pricing, credits system, customizable memberships
- Advanced Banner System and Adsense Integration
- Easy to follow calendar
- Complete mastery of your Ray Widgets
- View widgets already installed, order widgets you may still need
- Check base settings or update the base right from there
- Different user membership types (text only, view only, full access)
- Admin initial preset of Presence vertical size
- Enable/disable any widget with a click
- Adjust settings for each widget, and order more templates or languages
- Now, users (not only admin) can change languages and skins in all widgets
- Access admin music library to add to user's play list
- Track and manage reported files
- Approve/Disapprove music
- User's music files listed in admin player
- Set limits for quantity and size of uploaded files
- View list of users with video (All, Approval pending)
- Play, approve and delete video functions
- Uploaded video files management
- Admin initial preset of Video Player/Uploader height and width
- Preset the maximum number of uploaded files
- Admin Video Player with the list of uploaded files
- Enable/disable guests posting messages in Shoutbox
- Set number of displayed messages
- Preset the Shoutbox height
- Member's Pictures Customized Water Mark
- Individual member promotion and membership assignment
- Five types of user account status
- Search by ID, e-mail and nickname
- Confirmed User email notification for admin
- "Variables" section to manage sitewide functions
- User-friendly profile fields modification system
- Site's styles file modification
- Integrated language file modification capabilities
- Automatic update availability alerts
- Admin interface to create moderators
- Updated admin finance calculator
- Multiple languages support
- Featured profiles generating
- Optional profiles auto-approve
- Installation wizard for fast and easy scripts installation
- Easy text, code, graphics modification
- Free trial membership (admin ability to set up the period length and conditions)
- Automatic database cleaning (administrator can specify allowed inactivity period)
- Displaying the number of registered members from defined countries who are online/present
- Links exchange campaign
- E-mail notifications/newsletter system
- "Articles" system for more text content
- Admin ability to set Cupid mail options
- Plugin configuration features
- Banners rotation system management
- Ability to bring random, online, last, and top rated profiles to the home page
- Ability to set minimum number of characters for "About me" and "About you" fields
- Ability to set required size of "Password" field
- Customizable number of photos a member can upload
- Ability to choose currency image used for transactions
- Ability to set up events, place, time and event manager's contact info
- Ability to set up events and place a picture
- Ability to set matches number
- Printer-friendly user's list, matching users
- Automatic billing and transactions generation
- Ability to create any membership type
- Ability to define membership access level
- Ability to define customized membership requirements
- Ability to give permissions to all users to contact each other for free