T-dah是一个PHP Webmail系统。该系统采用POP3协议收邮件,可以配置使用SMTP、PHP mail、Sendmail或Qmail来发送邮件。T-dah还包含以下几个模块:事件日历、群组聊天、文件夹管理、邮件搜索等。T-dah使用 TinyMCE WYSIWYG编辑器来创建新邮件。

T-dah is Open Source. That means you can download and use it for free and you don't have to pay anything for distribution . But if you use it commercially or just want to say "thank you" you should donate to the project. How to donate? Just take a look here to help us out.
Features at a glance
- Full featured webmail based on apache
- Complete POP3 Webmail Reader
- Runs under any System with PHP
- Running on all Windows and Linux
- Does not use a database or cookies
- Easy 5 minute installation
- PHP 4.4 & 5.x supported
- Can use a variety of skins
- Compatible with the MIME Standard
- Easily translated to any language
- Compatible Postfix Sendmail or QMAIL
- New administration section
- New Chat & Calendar