Implementing Wildcards for
the NetBSD Packages System
Hubert Feyrer <>, January 2000
Abstract: This document first recalls how dependencies worked
in the NetBSD Packages System so far, and describes a way for
using wildcards to install binary packages that contain
wildcard dependencies, and implement better conflicting
packages. In addition, an overview of the changes since
the pkg_* tools were picked up is given.
1) The story so far
Let me first remind you how dependency handling worked so far in the
*BSD Packages/Ports systems. Leaving aside RUN/BUILD_DEPENDS, the
dependency scheme worked by specifying lines in pkgs Makefiles
DEPENDS+= foo-1.2:../../somecat/foo
This specifies two things:
- The version of "foo" this package depends on. If this package is to
be installed, foo-1.2 needs to be present.
- A fallback used if the required version is not installed on the system,
to build it via the packages system.
Upon installation, "pkg_info -e" is used to find if the required
version of "foo" is installed. If so, everything is fine and
installation proceeds, for both building from pkgsrc and installation
of binary packges via pkg_add.
If the required version is not installed, the build system will use the
given fallback directory to install the package available at that place,
in the hope to fulfil the dependency. For installing via binary packages,
pkg_add will assume there's a foo-1.2.tgz binary package out there and
install it.
2) Wildcard depends
The hardcoding of the version of "foo" wanted is problematic to maintain,
and most of the time, it's not even a fixed version that's needed, but
some or even any version installed would do, resulting in a dependency
setting such as
DEPENDS+= foo-*:../../somecat/foo
This indicates that "any" version of "foo" would do. The build system
looks up if there's any "foo" installed by calling "pkg_info -e 'foo-*'",
scanning all installed packages and accepting whatever version of "foo" is
installed IF it is installed. If it's not installed, the build system will
take whatever version happens to be in pkgsrc and installs it, using the
fallback given.
For binary packages, the handling's more complex. Any binary package will
properly know that it depends on "any" version of the "foo" package
installed, and does the same check as the build system to find out. If any
acceptable version is installed, fine. If not, we're a little bit in
trouble to fulfil the requirement to (automatically) install "any" version
of the "foo" package, as the "fallback" directory given can't be used in
the context of binary packages, as rebuilding from source is not an option
Instead, pkg_add goes out, scans all the available (binary!) packages
available, and will then install the most recent one (still meeting the
"requirement criteria, "foo-*"). This scanning is necessary to support the
wildcard notion. If the version depended on uses some version limitation
(``dewey depend''), e.g. foo<1.0, then the latest binary package available
below version 1.0 will be found and installed, thus fulfilling the
required dependency.
Binary packages can be installed not only from local disk but also via
FTP, and the "directory scanning" described above is being performed
there too. This scanning of remote directories was the last part that
was missing from the NetBSD Packages System to make it fully wildcard
3) Some implementation notes
When installing packages via FTP, imagine package "a-1.0" depending on
package "b-1.*", which needs "c-*", etc. - something like "kde". Now,
the (net-)actions needed are (roughly):
- grab +CONTENTS of "a-1.0"
- find out which versions of "b" are available
- grab +CONTENTS of "b-1.whateverisavailable"
- find out which versions of "c" are available
- grab +CONTENTS of "c-something"
- grab rest of "c-something"
- grab rest of "b-1.whateverisavailable"
- grab rest of "a-1.0"
Even if the "grab rest of ..." operation can be implemented by re-using
the same connection (FTP or whatever), any new package is still be added
by a new pkg_add process, which would potentially open another connection
to the same FTP site, resulting in
- flooding the remote site with connects
- wasting time for extra connection establishment
This is avoided by using the same FTP session over all three pkg_add
sessions. The co-process running ftp(1) has two pipes open for stdin and
stdout, which are passed down to subsequent pkg_add commands, which know
the file descriptors from some environment variables. With this
connection caching, there's usually only one connection for retrieving
and installing several binary packages.
4) More than just for depends
The wildcards used in the NetBSD Packages System are a superset of
shell globs. Currently supported are:
- shell globs (*, ?, ...), as documented in fnmatch(3)
- allowing csh style {foo,bar} alternates
- matching of package version numbers using >=, <=, < and > operators
For example, "pkg_info -e 'foo>=1.3'" will match version 1.3 and later
for the "foo" package. Now these wildcards are not only used to check
for any matching packages installed, and to find any binary packages
fitting patterns for dependencies. Wildcards are also allowed (and
used) to implement matching of conflicting packages, to avoid having
two packages on the system that should better not be installed at the
same time, usually because of conflicting filenames or functionality.
Other uses uses of wildcards are in pkg_info and pkg_delete, where
just a package name without version can be given, and an installed
package is found automatically by tacking on a "-*". That way, one
saves a few keystrokes and - more important - doesn't have to know
what version is currently installed on the system.
5) Other changes in the NetBSD Packages System
Since NetBSD picked up the pkg_* from FreeBSD in mid-1997, several
changes were made to enhance the tools. Some of the more interesting
- The ftp code was rewritten twice. In a first step, the ftpio
library was replaced by spawning a ftp(1) process, to get the proxy
handling, bandwidth limiting etc. of that for free. The second
rewrite was for the connection caching, moving the ftp(1) processes
from recursive pkg_add calls to one ftp co-process.
- A "package database" was added, storing information of which
package any file on the system belongs to. With that information,
all the documentation (manpages, READMEs, ...) or config files for
a given binary can be found easily.
- Installed and binary packages now contain the size of the package
in bytes. In addition, the size including all required packages is
stored. This information can be used to determine any diskspace
requirements before or after installation of a package.
- Recursive removing of packages, allowing to either remove all the
packages that a given package needs, all the packages that required
the package in question, or both.
- Detection of out-of-date pkg_* tools was added, in case a is used that uses newer version that the tools
provide. This facility - in combination with the
pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkg_install package - allows for controlled updates
of the pkg_* tools on users' systems.
- With the aid of the "zoularis" package, an environment of a few
core components of NetBSD ported to Solaris and Linux, the NetBSD
Packages System can (and is!) now be used on these systems too.
Documentation on this subsystem deserves its own document, but
this feature again shows that NetBSD is the world's most portable
operating system.
The following people deserve credits for the NetBSD Packages System,
and where it is today:
- pkg_* tools: Jordan Hubbart, John Kohl, several other unsung heroes
- Package conflict code: Thorsten Frueauf
- Wildcard matching: Alistair Crooks, Hubert Feyrer
- Wildcard dependency handling: Hubert Feyrer
- Getting NetBSD going on Solaris and Linux: Christos Zoulas,
Alistair Crooks, Kimmo Suominen
- The NetBSD pkgsrc committers and users for their help, assistance,
support and faith.
Further information:
(c) Copyright 20000110 Hubert Feyrer <>
$NetBSD: pkg-wildcards.html,v 1.10 2005/05/13 10:29:17 hubertf Exp $