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2.a. Portage Configuration
As noted previously, Portage is configurable through many variables which you should define in /etc/make.conf. Please refer to the make.conf man page for more and complete information:
Code listing 1: Reading the make.conf man page |
$ man make.conf
2.b. Build-specific Options
Configure and Compiler Options
When Portage builds applications, it passes the contents of the following variables to the compiler and configure script:
The USE variable is also used during configure and compilations but has been explained in great detail in previous chapters.
Merge Options
When Portage has merged a newer version of a certain software title, it will remove the obsoleted files of the older version from your system. Portage gives the user a 5 second delay before unmerging the older version. These 5 seconds are defined by the CLEAN_DELAY variable.
2.c. Configuration File Protection
Portage's Protected Locations
Portage overwrites files provided by newer versions of a software title if the files aren't stored in a protected location. These protected locations are defined by the CONFIG_PROTECT variable and are generally configuration file locations. The directory listing is space-delimited.
A file that would be written in such a protected location is renamed and the user is warned about the presence of a newer version of the (presumable) configuration file.
You can find out about the current CONFIG_PROTECT setting from the emerge --info output:
Code listing 2: Getting the CONFIG_PROTECT setting |
$ emerge --info | grep 'CONFIG_PROTECT='
More information about Portage's Configuration File Protection is available through emerge:
Code listing 3: More information about Configuration File Protection |
$ emerge --help config
Excluding Directories
To 'unprotect' certain subdirectories of protected locations you can use the CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK variable.
2.d. Download Options
Server Locations
When the requested information or data is not available on your system, Portage will retrieve it from the Internet. The server locations for the various information and data channels are defined by the following variables:
A third setting involves the location of the rsync server which you use when you update your Portage tree:
The GENTOO_MIRRORS and SYNC variables can be set automatically through the mirrorselect application. You need to emerge mirrorselect first before you can use it. For more information, see mirrorselect's online help:
Code listing 4: More information about mirrorselect |
# mirrorselect --help
If your environment requires you to use a proxy server, you can use the HTTP_PROXY, FTP_PROXY and RSYNC_PROXY variables to declare a proxy server.
Fetch Commands
When Portage needs to fetch source code, it uses wget by default. You can change this through the FETCHCOMMAND variable.
Portage is able to resume partially downloaded source code. It uses wget by default, but this can be altered through the RESUMECOMMAND variable.
Make sure that your FETCHCOMMAND and RESUMECOMMAND stores the source code in the correct location. Inside the variables you should use \${URI} and \${DISTDIR} to point to the source code location and distfiles location respectively.
You can also define protocol-specific handlers with FETCHCOMMAND_HTTP, FETCHCOMMAND_FTP, RESUMECOMMAND_HTTP, RESUMECOMMAND_FTP, and so on.
Rsync Settings
You cannot alter the rsync command used by Portage to update the Portage tree, but you can set some variables related to the rsync command:
2.e. Gentoo Configuration
Branch Selection
You can change your default branch with the ACCEPT_KEYWORDS variable. It defaults to your architecture's stable branch. More information on Gentoo's branches can be found in the next chapter.
Portage Features
You can activate certain Portage features through the FEATURES variable. The Portage Features have been discussed in previous chapters, such as Portage Features.
2.f. Portage Behaviour
Resource Management
With the PORTAGE_NICENESS variable you can augment or reduce the nice value Portage runs with. The PORTAGE_NICENESS value is added to the current nice value.
For more information about nice values, see the nice man page:
Code listing 5: More information about nice |
$ man nice
Output Behaviour
The NOCOLOR, which defaults to "false", defines if Portage should disable the use of coloured output.
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