Here is a program for the MacOS. It is not the shortest by any means
whatsoever -- I do a lot of unnecessary stuff because I basically copied
it from apple sample code. To repeat, you could just put a repeat loop
around the whole thing. Better though would be to do an alert of some
kind. But you need a rez compiler for that, so I didn't do it.
Ricky Morse
program macosHelloWorld;
theWindow: WindowPtr;
wBoundsRect: rect;
gDone: boolean;
myEvent: EventRecord;
gotEvent: Boolean; {is returned event for me?}
procedure initToolbox;
InitGraf(@thePort); {initialize QuickDraw}
InitFonts; {initialize Font Manager}
InitWindows; {initialize Window Manager}
TEInit; {initialize TextEdit}
FlushEvents(everyEvent, 0); {clear event queue}
InitCursor; {initialize cursor to arrow}
end; {initToolbox}
procedure drawTheText (w: WindowPtr); {Draw the text on the window}
s = 'Hello, World!';
textLength, textHeight: integer;
x, y: integer;
info: fontInfo;
setPort(w); {sets up the drawing port}
TextFont(applFont); {geneva}
TextFace([]); {plain text}
TextSize(72); {72 pts}
GetFontInfo(info); {get info on font height}
textLength := StringWidth(s); {save width and height}
textHeight := info.ascent + info.leading;
{center text on screen}
x := (w^.portRect.right) - (w^.portRect.left);
x := round(x / 2);
x := round(x - (textLength / 2));
y := (w^.portRect.bottom) - (w^;
y := round(y / 2);
y := round(y - (textHeight / 2));
MoveTo(x, y); {draw the stuff}
end; {drawTheText}
begin {macosHelloWorld}
gDone := false;
with screenBits.bounds do {set the window size based on
the screen size}
setRect(wBoundsRect, left + 4, top + 40, right - 4, bottom - 4);
{create a new window}
theWindow := newWindow(nil, wBoundsRect, '', true, documentProc,
pointer(-1), false, 0);
repeat {wait until the user clicks
the mouse}
gotEvent := WaitNextEvent(everyEvent, myEvent, 15, nil);
if gotEvent then
case myEvent.what of
gDone := true;
end; {case}
until gDone;
DisposeWindow(theWindow); {clear up window memory}
end. {macosHelloWorld}
submitted by: (Richard Morse)